1. What makes a Cosset bath bomb so special?
Our philosophy at Cosset is defined in our name: “Cosset: to care for and protect in an overindulgent way”. Each bomb is thoughtfully created with a specific aim to help alleviate the malaise or stressors of everyday life – from insomnia, to muscle tension, to the common cold – and protect our bodies using only natural ingredients without harmful parabens or sulfates.

We choose our essential oils, herbs, and florals according their therapeutic benefits to bring you a healthy, relaxing, and restorative bath experience. At Cosset we believe in bathing with a purpose.

2. What are the ingredients in bath bombs?
Bath bomb base ingredients are sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), citric acid, and salt from the Great Salt Lake. We add other ingredients such as pure essential oils, herbs, and florals, depending on the benefit the bath bombs aims to provide. Oils provide healing properties, fragrance, and moisture to parched skin, and the salt keeps your skin soft and smooth. We also add ____ to create a natural bubble bath experience – never any sulfates. For a great bubble bath experience for kids and adults, we recommend our Bubble Bath Bombs.

3. Do they expire?
Like any natural, preservative-free product, bath bombs will not last forever. You can expect your bomb to fizz at full capacity, with full freshness, delicious smell, and efficacy about three months after purchase. When left unused for longer than six months, the bombs will oxidize, lose their smell, color and fizz. So please use your bombs!

4. I have sensitive skin, will they irritate?
At Cosset we take great pride in creating products without sulfates or parabens and other harmful chemicals to your skin. The base ingredients in bath bombs – citric acid and sodium bicarbonate – generally will not irritate skin. However, some essential oils found in our therapy bombs do not agree with everyone, so if you’re worried about skin allergies or sensitivity, we recommend to carefully read the ingredients list and consult your care practitioner if any doubt. Of course, you can always visit one of
our locations and speak to knowledgeable staff, or contact us for recommendations.

5. What is the coloring you use? Is it safe?
All of our beautifully colored bombs are made with micas – a natural, non-toxic silicate mineral-or FD&C colors. Our micas are then supplemented with food-grade dye to give our bombs that extra boost of color.